Thursday, February 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!! What, am I late or something?

Okay, so I realize this is just a TAD bit late, but what the heck? I just wanted to share a little of our Merry Mexican Christmas (or should I say, Feliz Navidad) with everyone! We spent this Christmas in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with most of Michael's family. It was interesting, to say the least. I definitely saw some things that you won't see during Christmas in the US. But, nonetheless, a great trip! We did our family Christmases before we left, so Drew still had a traditional family Christmas... just sooner.

Anyway, here are a few pics from our trip. I have to admit I was a terrible photographer during our trip, and neglected to get several necessary photos. You know, like one of Drew on the beach, or one of the whole family, or one of at least the three of us on Christmas Day for goodness sake! So, sorry to disappoint, but you won't find any of those photos in this post (or even my camera card)! Oh well... better luck next time!
Here they are... in no particular order...
Drew eating some seafood spaghetti... YUMMY!

Peek-a-boo, where's Drew?

There he is!

Ah, our sunset view at our favorite dinner restaraunt

This was the canyon we went zip-lining through. What a blast!!!

A guy came around to the tables during dinner one night making balloon hats for everyone. Here is Drew in Michael's hat.

Our family in our cute little hats.

Gigi, Poppy, and Kai in their hats.

Ah, the view from our room.

Kai playing with her "Peanut"

Our last night at dinner. Drew doesn't look very happy!

On our whale-watching tour. Yep, those are real live whales!

This is what Drew was doing during the whale tour.

Then, he woke up!

We definitely had a great time on our trip! This year we're switching it up and heading for the snow-capped mountains to spend Christmas in Colorado! Woohoo!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

World's Worst Blogger Award Goes To...


Okay, so I've campaigned tirelessly (and effortlessly, might I add) and I've won! Haha!

But after my recent extended vacation from blogging, I would just like to say... I'M BAAAAAACK!

I have so much to talk about, but I usually don't have a lot of time. I guess that's why I haven't blogged in so long. My days are spent playing with & chasing Drew around, cleaning, cooking, and more recently browsing the internet for decorating ideas. When I do have down time I like to spend it catching up on my DVR'd shows and stalking people on their blogs or facebook!

I will get everyone up to speed on our happenings, but that will have to come later- probably in blogging blitzes!

For now, I will leave you with a few of our latest photos. Have a great day!