Hello Everyone! I've been wanting to set up a blog for a while now, but it is so hard to find enough time! Drew is getting bigger every day, and sometimes it is hard for me to keep up with him. He's growing so fast, and I thought this would be a great way for all of our friends and family to keep up. It is hard to believe that he is almost 5 months old already. It seems like just yesterday I was weighing in at 150 with hormones raging out of control, ready to drop kick the next person that asked me when I was due. Oh the joys of pregnancy! I am just so glad that Drew is finally here!
Our lives have changed so much in the last few months. I can't even imagine life without him anymore! He is looking more and more like his Daddy every day. Although, he still has the auburn hair (what's left of it) and bright blue eyes! He is so handsome! And he is such a good-natured baby. He is happy and smiling about 99% of the time--- we have the occasional fit when he's hungry or if Mommy doesn't change his dirty diaper quickly enough! He has been teething the past few weeks, which is great fun! In fact, we spent most of the day on Sunday trying to calm him down. I think he's going to cut a tooth any day now.
I promise to try to keep up with this thing! Hopefully I'll be able to post a few times a week- at least that is my goal! I hope everyone enjoys watching Drew grow as much as we do!